Norfolk So Ambitious Tour

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Get ready to be blown away at the Norfolk So Ambitious Tour, where ambition meets excitement on November 3rd, 2023.

Norfolk So Ambitious Tour

Join us for an immersive entrepreneurial experience like no other! The Norfolk So Ambitious Tour is designed to empower and inspire undergraduate and graduate students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as Norfolk State University Alumni entrepreneurs, to explore the exciting world of startups.

What’s in Store for You:

Access to Entrepreneurship Resources & Mentorship: Gain invaluable insights and guidance from seasoned entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors who are dedicated to supporting Black entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

Business Pitch Competition on Sunday, 11/5: Put your entrepreneurial skills to the test and compete in our Business Pitch Competition for a chance to showcase your innovative ideas and win exciting prizes.

Award Ceremony on 11/5: Celebrate the outstanding achievements of our participants and winners at the prestigious Award Ceremony, where your hard work and dedication will be recognized.

Networking Opportunities: We understand the importance of networking in the entrepreneurial world. We’ve included plenty of time for you to connect with other students, mentors, and members of the Norfolk entrepreneurial community. Build lasting connections that could fuel your entrepreneurial dreams.

Two Delicious Meals Included: Fuel your creativity and energy with two scrumptious meals during the event. We want to ensure you have the sustenance you need to fully engage in the entrepreneurial experience.

Black Ambition, Techstars, and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Collaboration: This event is a unique collaboration between Black Ambition, Techstars, and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. Together, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive and immersive startup experience.

Are YOU Ambitious? If so, come join us and be a part of a dynamic community of aspiring entrepreneurs and industry leaders. Seize the chance to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality at the Norfolk So Ambitious Tour! Apply today and take the first step toward a brighter future in the world of startups.

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