DoD SkillBridge EXPO (Hampton)- LANGLEY

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Would you like to grow your Professional network with some of America’s VETTED DoD Skillbridge Programs? Here is your chance!

At our Centers, one of the most common questions we receive from our transitioning military professionals and spouses is, “There are so many Skillbridge Programs listed on the website, where can I even start?”

Get ready to take charge of your career by connecting directly with vetted Skillbridge programs from various industries and start building a POWERFUL PROFESSIONAL NETWORK. Whether you’re searching for a job, looking to expand your network, or simply want to socialize with like-minded individuals, this event has something for everyone.

The Hampton Roads Military Installations and HAmpton Roads Workforce Council has partnered with the highest engaged, vetted DoD-authorized SkillBridge providers to host the DoD Skillbridge EXPOs.

Navigating the ocean of goodwill, skillbridge programs and resources can be challenging, and our team’s goal is to simplify this process by providing an environment where our military community can talk to actual people rather than click on a website.

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