By Tim Ryan

In an era where technology and innovation are leading the charge, Hampton Roads is positioning itself as a prime player with its latest move. The Hampton Roads Workforce Council (HRWC), alongside GO Virginia Region 5, has released a game-changing study on two high-growth industry clusters: Data Analytics, Cybersecurity & Modeling and Simulation, and Aerospace & Uncrewed Systems.

With this Talent Pathways Initiative (TPI) study, Hampton Roads has taken a bold step toward closing the skills gap, ensuring the region’s workforce is ready for tomorrow’s job market. The report, conducted by Chmura Economics & Analytics, highlighted key shortages in critical skills like aerospace engineering, Python programming, and cybersecurity. And if you’re a Gen Z-er eyeing these fields, you’ve got a front-row seat to some serious opportunity!

Here’s why it matters: Hampton Roads isn’t just another stop on the tech map—it’s shaping up to be a major hub. Yet, there’s a skills gap that needs closing. Graduates are lacking in areas like Microsoft Excel and Linux, while local employers struggle to find talent with expertise in unmanned systems tech. This report sets the foundation for developing internships and apprenticeships designed to fast-track young professionals into these in-demand fields.

Nancy Grden, President & CEO of the Hampton Roads Executive Roundtable, couldn’t have said it better: “These key industry clusters will see steady expansion in Hampton Roads over the next decade, and it is important that our talent pipeline can meet these growth demands.”

What’s the next step? HRWC is ready to roll out its proven workforce development strategy—partnering with local businesses, schools, and training providers to ensure that young talent in the region gets noticed and is fully prepared to step into the future. This collaborative effort could turn Hampton Roads into a global leader in tech, modeling and simulation, aerospace, and beyond.

As we look ahead, Hampton Roads is making its mark, and with programs like the Talent Pathways Initiative, the region is ensuring that the next generation of innovators is ready to seize the moment.

A copy of the press release can be downloaded here.