By Tim Ryan

Aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage founders, here’s an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with NASA and catapult your startup into the future. The NASA SBIR Ignite program is designed to support U.S. small businesses in their early-stage, high-risk technology development projects, providing a unique pathway to commercial success.

The SBIR Ignite program funds startups, offering up to $150,000 for Phase I and up to $850,000 for Phase II. This non-dilutive funding can be a game-changer, helping you develop your technology and making your business more attractive to private sector investors and customers. The goal is to drive the nation’s economy through innovative solutions delivered to commercial markets, fostering growth in jobs, revenue, and company valuation.

Why SBIR Ignite is Unique

Unlike other programs, SBIR Ignite focuses heavily on commercialization. NASA seeks collaborations with entrepreneurs and startups poised to attract significant private sector investment post their Phase I and II contracts. This means your innovations have the potential to reach wider commercial markets, making a lasting impact.

The program also offers extensive engagement opportunities throughout the year. From “Ask Me Anything” sessions to individual coaching and access to a digital community, SBIR Ignite ensures you’re well-supported. The solicitation process is less prescriptive, allowing you to maintain your go-to-market strategies with a shorter proposal requirement and an accelerated award schedule.

 Get Ready for Phase I

The 2024 SBIR Ignite Phase I solicitation is now open, with submissions accepted until 5 pm ET on July 30, 2024. Preparing for this involves attending various AMA sessions, such as those focused on Climate Data Informatics, Greenhouse Gas Monitoring, Aviation Batteries, and more. These sessions provide crucial insights into the application process and help you connect with NASA’s vast network of experts and resources.

Catalyst Program: Your Springboard

The SBIR Ignite Catalyst program is tailored to assist founders at any stage. This program helps you understand the requirements and prepare your application. Participants can join general sessions, panel discussions, and networking events. Selected applicants can discuss their technology one-on-one with NASA subject matter experts, venture investors, regulatory experts, and marketing strategists.

Why This Matters

Securing a spot in the SBIR Ignite program provides financial backing and opens doors to a plethora of resources and networks essential for your startup’s growth. Engaging with NASA’s innovative ecosystem can propel your business to new heights, ensuring your technology makes a significant impact.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to partner with NASA and transform your innovative ideas into commercial success. Apply for SBIR Ignite and take the first step towards a brighter future for your startup.

For more details and to apply, visit the NASA SBIR Ignite webpage.